Sunday, June 8, 2008

Moving On

I lost a very important friendship to me this past year, it was a long time coming but it was something that I could not let go of. She had been my best friend almost all through high school and most of college. After our first year of college I noticed that she was not the same person I once called my best friend, the one person I could not imagine my life with out. I kept telling myself that it would change, it was just a phase but as time passed it never did. We didnt talk for about six months and I began to feel extremely guilty like I had abandoned her so I decided to contact her. We hung out a few times and things were further from the same than they had ever been. Maybe its just the life paths we have chosen but maybe its just that our friendship served its purpose and now its time to move on. This is not an easy thing to accept especially for me. So as I write this I hope that I can learn to remember that people come in and out of our lives and when those friendships pass it is not due to abandonment but to the fact that the friendship has accomplished its purpose.

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