Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Comfort Zone

So I am reading this new book called wear yourself well. My mom actually recommended it a few months ago and I have finally been able to start it. The first chapter is on getting out your comfort zone, something I struggle with very much. I used to be so adventurous, always wanting to try new things and then something happened and fear and comfort overrided my joy for the new. Starting today my new goal is to get out of my comfort zone, to try something new. There is a class I have been wanting to take at the gym called Zumba, but I have been to scared to go alone. So my first out of the comfort zone challenge is to take that class within the next two weeks by myself. I encourage you to try something out of your comfort zone this month and try to think of it as an adventure and not worry about whether you will fail or how silly you might look.

1 comment:

Ronda's Rants said...

I want to read it next!