Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Im back..again

Ok so I know I periodically disappear and then return. The school semester finished today and I am vowing to be more active in my just makes me feel better,less irritable. As my first semester of the social work program has come to a close I have been thinking about many things besides the fact that I now have an entire month to consume my life with something other than school. I am reflecting and realizing that this semester has alowed me to grow so much as a person, I am so different than I was when I first started my classes in August. I have developed so many incredible friendships that will continue to grow as we go through the next two semesters together and then graduate together. I am much more comfortable in my skin and for the first time in my life know exactly who I am and what I want to do in this world and I am excited about it! Over the next month I plan on being able to clean my house regularly:) catching up on some much needed leisure reading and just enjoying time off, time with out anything in particular to do...something I do not always handle very well, but realize that I need to just relax because after this month I wont have that opportunuty for a while. Not that I am complaining because the next eleven months hold so many exciting things, but being still can help me appreciate everything that lies ahead.

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