Monday, December 8, 2008


So, about a week and a half ago I could not wait for school to be out and have an entire month off. Now I am ready to go back, Im sure two weeks into January I will be cursing myself for this. I have never been one who can just relax, I always have to be moving. In the morning of a day with no plans I usually get dressed and just head out with no idea of where I am going. I think my reasoning for wanting school to start is more because I know how close I am to being done. I have to more semesters left in the program, so I am very anxious to finally start my career. In the mean time I have started to read again, something other than social work textbooks and it makes me so happy. I know not everyone likes to read but it is always something I have loved, since I was a little girl. I dont always have the time I would like so summers and christmas breaks have always been my chance to catch up. This summer I wont have much time since Im taking several classes, so I hope to read a lot over the next month. I have some how finished my Christmas shopping, so with no stressors I will read all that I can:)

1 comment:

Ronda's Rants said...

I hope you have been able to start your book!