Thursday, October 16, 2008

Im Scared

I tend to fear activites that differ from my normal routine. I haven't always been this way, it has changed as I got older. It hasn't ever affected my everyday life until recently. I found an internship that would be a great experience for me and if they hire me they will pay for my graduate school classes. I would be working with adolescents, 10-17, that have behavioral and emotional problems. This is a population I have no experience with and that makes me a little nervous. But I also know that in the field of social work I am working with such a diverse population, many of which I have no experience with. After much thinking and aprehension, I have decided that I am going to apply for this internship and use it as a great learning experience. When the internship is over I will know one of two things, either I will love working with this population or it wont be the population for me. Today is the first step in the direction of trying new things with out being scared.

1 comment:

Ronda's Rants said... will know by trying! I watch Carter and learn..Ha!Ha!