Sunday, May 25, 2008

I saw god today

I have spent several months searching for a church to worship. While there were a few really great churches they just werent opening my soul to God in the way I wanted or yearned for. This morning I attended a church where an old childhood pastor preached and I have never felt so alive during a worship in my life. I had goosebumps as he preached and while I sat there I realized that this was it, I had found a home. After all that searching God truly spoke to my heart this morning in that service. It was there that I remembered something that is not always right in front of me, God is always there every day every minute even when Im not looking for him and I am so greatful for that. There is a song I recently heard that describes this the best. Its called I saw god today and its about how God is there in every wonderful and terrible moment; hes the calm after the storm and he is all the wonderful moments and stories. Today I challenge myself and you to be more observant of God's presence in our lives.


Unknown said...

i love this post, lo. i am so thankful you have found a place you feel at home, but more importantly feel God. that's what it's all about! we love you!

LoLo said...

thank you so much rachel:)I am so blessed to have found it too!! Love you