As the election came to a close I was excited for numerous reasons, but two in particular. 1. To find out who our next president would be, and 2. So people would stop this political bashing. After the election I got on facebook and noticed that the bashing had progressed to an even higher level of hatred. Don't get me wrong I understand that this was an extremely intense and an extremely divided election, and I know how much it can hurt to lose. But when that sadness and hurt turns to racism and just down right nasty comments that arent even remotely true I have some issues. I have seen comments about people "hangin on to their guns", making references to seeing more weaves!! What is this! I guess some people feel he doesnt have the experience, well maybe if we gave him the chance to prove himself you would see that he is more qualified than any president we have had in a very long time. I assume that by qualified people mean he does not have a war hero record, well I hate to break it to you but neither did George Bush. And neither did the "lovely" Sarah Palin! Even if you do not believe that Obama has enough experience then look at his Vice President, an extremely respectable man with an impecable record! I admire John McCain and everything he has done for our country, so this is not about bashing him. This is about standing behind the new president of the U.S. and giving him a chance to either prove you wrong and prove you right. Lets stop the bashing and the racism and enjoy being a part of history. Rejoice for all the men and women who never thought they would live to see this day, who suffered through slavery, segregation, and the assasination of Martin Luther King. Rejoice for all the children who know have a successful role model to look up to, and say I can do that. Rejoice in all the good things that are about to happen to our country. This man is an advocate for community, something I believe a lot of people have forgotten. In this era of technology it is so important to have a sense of community and to make sure your community is doing the job they are supposed to be. I have never been more excited to be an American and to be a social worker.